Join us this evening (2o April 2017) for the next meeting of the OCASC General Assembly.
Meeting Location: Fisher Park Public/Summit Alternative School, Library 250 Holland Avenue, 2nd floor
Meeting Time: 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
This month we will learn about the OCDSB Alternative Program from Trustee Christine Boothby. Carol, from Scientists in the School, will share information about using PRO grant money to the scientists come to your school and about the different programs that they offer. CFO Michael Carson will spend a few minutes to answer questions after the financial discussions we had last month.
As always, Chalk It Up and snacks will be on the menu.
See you then!
Please review the attached Agenda and Minutes (from the March meeting) before the meeting.
If you need information about OCASC, or if you have a particular interest or want to have something in particular discussed at a meeting, contact us:
Twitter: @ocasc_ca
Facebook: (public group)
OCASC Assembly Meeting Agenda – 20 April 2017
Draft Minutes OCASC March 2017
Minutes OCASC March 2017 (with broken link fixed)