OCASC General Assembly Meeting and AGM

Date/Time Thu. May. 16, 2019 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Join us for our last general assembly meeting of the year!

We will have a speaker talking to us about 3-D printing (see attached proposal) and we’ll take a look at the website (looking at the changes that have been made so far, and what we are hoping to do next).

The Agenda for the meeting and draft Minutes from our April meeting are attached here. Please review them before the meeting.

The OCASC AGM immediately follows the meeting. Join us to hear annual reports from the current executive and to elect a new slate of officers for the 2019-20 school year.

The following are the executive positions that are on the slate:

  • Chair (or Co-Chairs): We currently have two co-chairs who are willing to stay on for another year.
  • Recording Secretary: We are looking for someone to fill this role for the 2019-20 school year
  • Membership: We currently have a Membership chair who is willing to stay on for another year.
  • Treasurer: We currently have a Treasurer who is willing to stay on for another year.
  • Communications: We currently have a Communications chair who is willing to stay on for another year.
  • The Liaison Officer Positions: Liaison Officer positions typically act as Members at Large,  which  allows an individual to attend and participate in Executive and Assembly meetings and may choose areas of specialization with the agreement of the Executive.

For more information about any of these roles, please contact communications@ocasc.ca or come to the AGM and hear the reports from the incumbent. And note that even if a position has an incumbent, you can still nominate someone (with their approval, of course) or yourself for the role.

Attached are the Agenda for the 2019 AGM and the Draft Minutes from the May 2018 AGM

Please review them before the meeting.

See you Thursday!

If you need information about OCASC, or if you have a particular interest or want to have something in particular discussed at a meeting, contact us:

Email: chair@ocasc.ca or communications@ocasc.ca
Twitter: @ocasc_ca
Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/ocasc/ (public group)
Website: https://ocasc.ca


Library, Fisher Park Public- Summit Alternative School


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