OCASC General Assembly Meeting

Date/Time Thu. Oct. 19, 2017 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Mark your calendars for this Thursday’s meeting!

Michèle Giroux will be talking to us about the District and School Websites and giving us an update about PROgrants.

We will are still looking to fill several spots on the Executive (Membership, Treasurer, Secondary School Council Chair), so if you are (or know someone who may be) interested in becoming a more active member of OCASC, please let us know.

Please review the attached Agenda, Minutes (from the May and September meetings), and the Welcome Package before the meeting on Thursday.

If you need information about OCASC, or if you have a particular interest or want to have something in particular discussed at a meeting, contact us:

Looking forward to seeing you on Thursday!

OCASC.Assembly Meeting Agenda – October 2017

Draft Minutes OCASC Sept 2017

Draft Minutes OCASC May 2017

2017-2018 OCASC Welcome Package

Library, Fisher Park Public- Summit Alternative School


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