Final meeting and Call for Nominees: OCASC AGM May 19, 2016

Our final meeting of the year will be held Thursday May 19 from 7-9pm. The meeting topic is the Secondary School Review, with special guest Superintendent Neil Yorke-Slader. The summary report of the Secondary School Review is now available and a consultation process is underway and sessions are available to attend. For those not able to attend a session, feel free to provide your feedback electronically.

Meeting Materials:




The OCASC AGM immediately follows the meeting. Join us to hear annual reports from the current executive and to elect a new slate of officers for 2016/17.

The Nominations Committee for the AGM is comprised of Paul Warner (Glen Cairn PS), Mark Tymowski (Huntley Centennial PS) and Dale Childs (Elizabeth Park PS). To contact the Committee with any questions or to forward a nomination for yourself or a peer, please email

Executive positions include:

Chair-administers the affairs of the assembly and ensure that all policies and actions approved by the general membership are implemented. The chair presides at meetings of the Assembly and prepares the agenda for such meetings with advice from other executive officers and committees. The Chair also represents the views of the Assembly to the Board, the Ministry of Education, the media and elsewhere as required.

Vice Chair (or Co-Chair) – The Vice-Chair (or Co-Chair) fulfills the duties of the Chair when that person is temporarily absent or otherwise unable to perform the duties of the office. The Vice-Chair also performs specific duties assigned by the Chair, or requested by the Executive Committee or the general membership.

Recording Secretary- The recording secretary is responsible for the general correspondence of the Assembly including preparing and distributing minutes of all general meetings and of the executive committee.

Membership Secretary- The membership secretary is responsible for maintaining a current list of member school councils including the names and contact information for school delegates. The Membership Secretary registers the attendance at general meetings, determines quorum and counts the votes.

Treasurer- The treasurer is responsible for the care and custody of the funds and other financial assets of the Assembly and for making payments for all approved expenses incurred by the Assembly. The treasurer maintains books of the accounts that shall be made available for inspection by members at any reasonable time on request. At each AGM, the treasurer presents an account of the finances of the Assembly and a budget for the following fiscal year including any recommendations for change to the annual dues of member councils. The treasurer also maintains a record of dues paid by member school councils.

Communication Officer:  The communication officer prepares communications on behalf of the assembly, to the media and elsewhere as directed by the Executive.  The communications officer may undertake additional tasks such as monitoring the media coverage of education generally at the suggestion of the executive or their own initiative.

The Liaison Officer Positions: Liaison Officer positions typically act as Members at Large,  which  allows an individual to attend and participate in Executive and Assembly meetings and may choose areas of specialization with the agreement of the Executive.

We look forward to seeing you at the AGM!

The OCASC Team