OCASC Meeting Minutes Feb 17th, 2022 Hello everyone! Here are the meeting minutes for our last meeting on Feb, 17th 2022. LINK: Feb 17th meeting minutes PDF: DRAFT Minutes OCASC Feb 17 2022.pdf For quick reference: information to share with councils/community 1. Draft policy Preventing Child Sexual Abuse consultation. Appendix A to Report 21-074 P.142.SCO CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE PREVENTION Policy hope to be passed at board in April and hopefully have procedures completed by September 2022. 1st PA day in new school year will launch this and training will be provided. 2. Parent Reaching Out Grant: Update on 2021-2022 PRO Grant Parent Information Sessions2021-22 Speaker suggestions FORM 3. Arts Representative – Arts Rep on councils – councils are invited to appoint a parent to represent arts on their council. The Arts Advisory Committee will provide supports and information to assist parents in this role. Contact artsadvisoryocdsb@gmail.com 4. OCASC Membership form completed to become a rep member. FREE 2021-2022 Membership FORM https://forms.gle/8SNdTcRA9TMxyJYG8 5. OCDSB 2022-2023 budget process is underway. March 1st meeting 1 March COW Budget Public Agenda – HTML. Agenda items include:2021-2022 Revised Estimates2022-2023 Budget ProcessPresentation of the 2022-2023 Academic Staffing Report for Discussion 6. OCASC is seeking representative on the Extended Day Program committee. If interested please contact us. NEXT OCASC MEETING: April 21st Please share this invite with your Council or anyone who would be interested.Look forward to seeing you then!The OCASC Team |