OCASC Meeting – Thurs. Feb 15th 7:00 pm via ZOOM

OCASC Meeting – Thursday, Feb. 15, 2024

Please join us for our monthly meeting.

Last meeting OCASC introduced a change in format for OCASC meetings to include a larger portion of meeting to answering your schools questions and concerns. Also to allow more time to support, brainstorm and collaborate together.

Our February meeting is VIRTUAL via zoom this month.


Thursday Feb. 15, 2024 from 7:00 – 900 pm

On ZOOM –https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85341798937?pwd=ZjYtF3kA1A66a2sGOMoCCIHT9sJFvd.1

Become a member: 2023-2024 Membership FORM 

1)    Welcome and introductions 

2)    Approval of agenda and previous meeting notes (to come) 

3)    Information items / Updates from committees

    a)     Executive update and information

    b)    Committee of the Whole (COW)

    c)     Parent Involvement Committee (PIC) 

    d)    Special Advisory Committee (SEAC) 

4)    Items for discussion / New business

    a) Open forum for council questions

5)    Breakout rooms topics/ideas

    a)     Student Success week – High Schools

    b)    Use of cell phones in schools

6)    Adjournment

Upcoming OCASC Meetings:   March 21st  – HYBRID – at Fischer Park School 

Please share this invite with your Council or anyone who would be interested.

Look forward to seeing you then!

The OCASC Team