OCASC Meeting – Thursday, October 20, 2022 – IN-PERSON at Fisher Park School ( 250 Holland Dr)

PLEASE RSVP TO communications@ocasc.ca

We are returning to in-person meeting at Fisher Park School once again. We will not be able to do hybrid this time around but working on it.

We will meet in the Library for 7:00 pm. and we follow OCDSB policy, encourage mask wearing. All are welcome, respected and supported in our meeting spaces.

We hope you can join us and would greatly appreciate if you could RSVP so we can best arrange materials and food. Individual snacks will also be available and you are welcome to bring your own non-alcoholic beverage.

Bring your questions, comments, ideas and hopes with you. We look forward to seeing you again. 

Questions for you to share answers with us:
How has your first two months at council gone?
What are areas of priorities for your council?

Bring any posters of events you are hosting

Information for upcoming meeting:
AGENDA Oct. 20, 2022
MINUTES Sept. 29, 2022

Please share this invite with your Council or anyone who would be interested.Look forward to seeing you then!The OCASC Team