Parent Involvement Committee Meeting May 12th

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Wednesday, May 12, 2021 at 6:00 pm
Zoom Meeting

1.Call to Order 2 m 

2.Approval of Agenda. 5 m 

3.Action Items 

3.1Parent Involvement Committee Work Plan. 20 m 

4.Discussion Items 

4.1Presentation: Destreaming the Grade 9 Math Curriculum – What Does this Mean? What do Parent Need to Know? (N. Towaij). 45 m 

4.2Report 21-044, 2019-2020 School Council Financial Reporting (M. Carson). 30 m 

5.Review of PIC Report, 31 March 2021. 5 m 

6.Information Items 

6.1Chair’s Report 

6.2Director’s Report 

6.3OCASC Report 

6.4PIC Correspondence 

6.52021-2022 Parent Involvement Committee Meeting Schedule 

7.New Business. 5 m 
