Planning Next Year’s School Calendar – Take Our Poll!

Thank you for your input on the 2010/2011 OCDSB School Year Calendar

suvery-imageOCASC has a representative on the OCDSB’s School Year Calendar Committee. The committee is already meeting to discuss next year’s calendar. OCASC is looking for feedback from parents on their preferred options.

To meet the Ministry of Education’s prescribed 194 school days between September 1, 2010 and June 30, 2011, (which includes 6 Professional Activity Days), the proposal OCASC is considering is to start the school year on Wednesday September 1 and finish Wednesday June 29, 2011 (with June 30 as a PA Day). This would avoid a one or two day week at the beginning and end of the school year. It also adds up to 196 days, allowing 2 extra days as holidays during the school year.

OCASC’s suggested options for the 2 extra non-school days are:

to start school after the holiday break on Tues. Jan. 4/11 instead of Mon. Jan. 3/11 to coincide with many parents’ work schedules and have another day of holiday on either

(a) Fri. Feb. 12th to coincide with the Family Day holiday on Mon. Feb. 15th, thereby creating a 4 day weekend;


(b) a Friday or Monday in November to create a 3 day long weekend.

We would like to know if parents and school councils support this proposal. We would also like to know your preference between the February and November long weekend options.

Our Poll is now closed.  Thank you for your input.

Additional feedback can be emailed to OCASC’s Calendar Committee Rep.

We appreciate your contribution!