Thursday, 29 September 2016 – First Meeting of the 2016-17 School Year


Our first OCASC meeting of the year will take place on


*** Thursday, September 29th at 7:00 pm***

 in the 2nd floor library of Fisher Park School, 250 Holland Ave.

*Note that this is a special date for September. In October, we will resume meeting on the third Thursday – October 20th.


Join us as we set our course for the year, share best practices through Chalk it Up and gain insights on the latest issues facing our school councils. Attached are the agenda and the draft minutes from the May meeting as well as the draft minutes from the AGM. Please review them before the September meeting.


School Council Chairs: Congratulations on your election!

Please encourage a member (or two!) of your council to check out a meeting and learn more about what OCASC has to offer! We welcome newcomers and would be happy to connect after the meeting. Light refreshments will be provided, and everyone is welcome!


Mark your Calendar and Spread the News:

Parent Conference 2016  and School Council Training Day 

This year the OCDSB will be incorporating the School Council Training Day into the Parent Conference. The conference is held in partnership with the Parent Involvement Committee (PIC) and the Ottawa-Carleton Assembly of School Councils (OCASC).  Mark your calendar for Saturday, November 19th, 2016 from 8:30 am to 12:30 am.  There will be workshops on a wide range of topics, including school council finances, well-being, learning, and more.  A full agenda will be released in October. Everyone is welcome and the session is free. We will be asking for all to register in advance to help us with our planning.

Please spread the word…


Happy September from the OCASC Executive!

We look forward to seeing you soon.

Meeting materials:

OCASC Agenda 29 September 2016
Draft Minutes_19 May 2016

