UPDATE on motion to add PIC and replace OCASC at Committee of the Whole (COW)


Dec. 7th Committee of the Whole

There was a Substitution Motion placed on the floor by Trustee Scott to:

  • add a new PIC non-voting member to both COW and COW budget.
  • There will also be a moratorium placed to adding any more members and
  • a formal review of the committee membership policy, it’s non-voting committee members, their roles and responsibilities, and a potential change to those non-voting members will be asked to be completed by staff.

No timeline was set out for this work to begin or to be completed by.

OCASC’s seat remains unchanged in this motion.

All trustees present, with the exception of Trustee Bell who abstained, voted in favour of the motion.This will go to Board for final approval next week. 


Special thanks also to those who had the opportunity to share this issue with their councils and school community. We acknowledge and appreciate the efforts it takes to advocate for your council voice.

BIG thanks to those who wrote letters and put forth very impactful delegations.  

In part due to these efforts, OCASC will be able to continue to share your suggestions, concerns and advice at COW and COW Budget. We look forward to taking this support and focusing even more on supporting as many councils as possible.